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The Black Hawks Organization designed a curriculum through holistic living with a spirit, mind, body approach. The spirit, mind, body approach focuses on three components: holistic wellness (spirit), creation through mental visualization (mind) and natural healing in health education (body). Theses 3 components created our curriculum initiatives: Better Alternative Life and Natural Choice Education (B.A.L.A.N.C.E), Learning Educating and Preparing (L.E.A.P), and Growing Overcoming and Living Sensibly (G.O.A.L.S). These initiative evolved into three life-enhancing programs, the Black Hawks Holistic Wellness, the Black Hawks Institute of Higher Learning and the Black Hawks Training Center programs. In the BHO curriculum, we are teaching students to live free from illnesses and to eat properly, being creative and a free-thinker, learning to understand the body and to keep it fit, while applying it to the things we do in everyday life through a spirit mind, body approach. The description of our programs initiative. 


B.A.L.A.N.C.E - The (Black Hawks Holistic Wellness) program is designed to teach holistic wellness (spirit), creation through mental visualization (mind) and natural healing in health education (body) through our seminars and workshops. One of the main components is to educate, by having a hands-on experience with participants and showing visual aids to learn about holistic well-being. 

L.E.A.P - The (Black Hawks Institute of Higher Learning) program is designed to teach culture, leadership, health, nutrition, creative arts, and physical fitness while teaching on the core classes each student needs for graduation. L.E.A.P is a program that offers courses from grades K-12th grade, vocational trade school, and Adult Learning.  L.E.A.P also includes a Volunteer Program that each and any one of our students can be a part of.

G.O.A.L.S - The (Black Hawks Training Center) program is designed to educate students on achieving better health through proper nutrition, becoming physically fit, and developing ways to help reduce physical and mental stress through various physical activities, such as Taekwondo. Taekwondo will provide a place for students to focus and discipline their minds while having more control over their actions. Students will be able to stay in shape by exercising, stretching, and doing a range of cardiovascular workouts.


BHO teaches: The Spirit CONTROLS the Mind which CONTROLS the Body!


Holistic Living consists of the three major aspects; the Spirit, the Mind, and the Body. Think about it… Can one’s mind have life without a Spirit? Can one properly control the functions of the body without a mind? Can one demonstrate an outward manifestation of the teachings of holistic living without a body? 


Spirit: the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power.

The first Aspect of Holistic Living is the Spirit. The evolution of the spiritual aspect of Holistic Living is achieved before the physical and mental aspects can unfold and take root. Enlightenment comes when a person is at peace with self. An individual must become one with the tenets and the teachings of Holistic Living. Holistic Living must be lived every day of life. The tenets of Black Hawks must be applied to ones work, family and friends, and yes, even to ones enemies: Respect, Honor, Discipline, Focus and Loyalty.


Mind: the part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels, and remembers.

The second aspect of Holistic Living is the mind. To learn one must be taught. One must then apply teachings. While learning the physical aspects of Holistic Living, the individual is engaged in an intense edification process. One learns anatomy, how his body functions, what enables it to generate more power, and the weak points of the body so he can both protect his vital areas, and use that knowledge to heal himself. The student is learning to focus his concentration and to set and reach goals which he may have felt were far beyond his capabilities.


Body: a person's whole physical self.

The body is the third aspect of Holistic Living. When one begins training, one must first learn to stretch muscles and get one’s body into physical condition to perform the physical movements in Holistic Living. One must work on stretching, conditioning, strength training, techniques, breathing, rhythm, balance, and much more in order to properly execute each of the skills. The practice of these exercises and techniques are sharpening the individual's physical condition and thus developing a strong body.


In order for an individual to develop into a complete and well-rounded person, one must cultivate each aspect of Holistic Living. If only one or two of the aspects are developed, then a person, no matter how hard one trains, may never become a true Master of Art of Holistic Living

Black Hawks Eight Virtues










Black Hawks Student Oath


I will observe the Black Hawks eight virtues.

I will respect my elders, family and peers.

I will live in peace and I shall bring peace.

I will never misrepresent what I have learn.         

I will use my knowledge to uplift my community.

I will help others and be a voice for the voiceless.

I will live a holistic lifestyle and build a more holistic world. 

Black Hawks Motto

"Living a health and wellness lifestyle leads to a holistic way of life"

Darly Hughes


“When I was 18 I knew everything, now I am 64 and I know nothing”.


These words were spoken by a true friend, James Daryl Hughes.  He was a wealth of knowledge, he has been in health for over 40 years of his life. He has dedicated his life to helping people better themselves an add enrichment to their lives.  I appreciate your words and your wisdom, thank you.

What is our deepest fear?


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of the God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone; and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. By Marianne Williamson

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